Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TVXQ's Return

SM Entertainment revealed on the 23rd via TVXQ’s homepage, “2011, TVXQ will be returning to you all.”

SM released a statement saying,

“After the 3 TVXQ members left, for over a long year, both U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin have refrained from musical activities.

The two members as well as the company wanted to keep TVXQ alive, thinking about the never changing hearts of our loyal fans who have waited a long time.

As indicated by the ruling, all of TVXQ’s activities need to be done through SM, unfortunately, the three members that left have regretfully not responded to any of our offers for activities as TVXQ. After long and careful consideration, we made this decision.

For U-know Yunho and Max Changmin, who never left and kept their dreams as TVXQ, we have decided together with the two members to keep TVXQ alive.

No matter what happens, we believe that TVXQ should continue for the love and trust of the fans who created TVXQ together with us.

We are not ruling out any possibilities in the future. Continuing TVXQ is the best way to repay the fans who love and waited for TVXQ.”

The two member TVXQ is scheduled to make a comeback in January 2011.

Source: Nate
Credit: Allkpop


- Angie - said...

Erm., yeah. for having the same DBSk.
uh-ho, for only having 2 members.

Hope Xiah, JJ and Micky can come back!!!

keythedurfei said...

Aaww! DBSK is not DBSK when it's not FIVE! I desperately want THE five of them.

Anonymous said...

What gonna happen now? we gonna have JYJ and TVXQ separated for ever?

isn't there someone have the influence to solve this sotuation?
here more than 900000 fan waiting for them...

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to say this... I'm just confused!
My feelings are so messed up...
- 1st I'm happy to read this, cuz I love Yunho and Changmin, not seeing them on stage for so long was a pain for a fan like me...
- 2nd I'm kind of sad (devastated actually) cuz, we don't seem to see the end of this...
I felt the same when we heard about JYJ's activities starting...
I'm sure the boys don't want this, they love and support each other. Each and every video available on this blog makes this unquestionable.
Hearing Jaejoong asking the cassies to carry on with their support for Homin and stating that for JYJ there's nothing more precious thn the name of DBSK made my heart feel warm. He even encouraged the fans to buy the album in spite of Cassiopeia banning SM's products...
I wonder how Homin will deal with whole situation once they're back... hope SM won't make them say lies or hurt the other members' reputation.
Now that the Korean Fair Trade Commission made their final judgement and said that SM's cotracts are illegal, things will change for all the SM artists... It may be the reason why the boys left, they saved all the others...
Love all of the DBSK boys, I'll support every single member and all the band's units as for me they'll forever be my favorite artist and entetainer ever!
DBSK = 5 forever (and whatver they, themselves say, I won't change my mind)

Cassies, let's be there with them, whatever they decide!

Chad said...

hey!! I just thought that dbsker hasn't been updated for sometime and thought if it is still active? Many fansites of dbsk had shut down.. or inactive. And with their comeback now.. i do hope the same goes with fansites! Hope to see dbsker active again!! =DD

SILVIA said...

cute post!!!!!
love your style!!!=P

average size said...

Why would they?

hanakimiby said...

"""I'm not sure if this is a right place to leave this message but today I found a great poll about a Fantasy casting for HanaKimi Korean version "" Beautiful You ""
SME has announced to produce drama "" Beautiful You ! I really want this drama to come true !!
If you like TVXQ , please visit and participate to vote for TVXQ !!
TVXQ members are cacdidates of lead characters!!
The poll URL is http://goo.gl/Bzoxo !
And we have Hanakimi korean version Character video :D
The video URL is http://goo.gl/Ai34K
Thanks in advance :)

cassie said...

Why is this blog dead? T^T


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