(For more pictures of Junsu, click HERE)
Kim Junsu a.k.a Xiah Junsu, fondly known as the "Dolphin" because of his high pitched voice and ability to mimick dolphin cries. I don't care if Yunho claims that it sounds nothing at all like a dolphin in the latest "O" DVD Talk. It sounds adorable to me and I just can't get enough of it. HAHA.
The first thing that attracted me to him was how he sings and dances. So full of emotion. His moves are often exaggerated (in a nice way, of course) in showing his passion for it and because of that, it looks extra awesome. There's nothing like emotion and passion to heighten and artist's performance. He's so talented and he knows how to flaunt it with a confidence and seriousness that shows his commitment in his work. He's often tagged the all rounder in the group because of his mastery in both singing and dancing.
Yet when not performing, he's so adorable and playful offstage that makes you love him even more. He does the silliest and funniest random things. He's just a natural comedian maybe because its all spontaneous. One of my favourites is the one where he hits his face with the necklace trying to imitate Usher. Here's the adorable clip:
Some say that he has a wonderful smile.

I would have to agree with that. His famous trademark laugh is so contagious. Its as if you let out all the air inside you. A big hearty laugh is what would best describe it. You would know its him immediately. I dont think I've ever heard anyone laugh like that. Plus he laughs easily at things. (Hmm..kinda like myself and some people I know..)
Perhaps its his good nature that makes him subject to bullying. Its purely my personal opinion though that I feel he's so often bullied by the other members. They give him weird nicknames and imitate his high voice just to name a few. Micky loves to request him to demonstrate stuff. And our dear Xiah always obliges but gets really embarassed after that and hides behind Micky (or any of the others). Aww..so cute.. Either that or he blushes a deep crimson as he did in this clip (Click Here). They make fun of him so much but he always just laughs it off good naturedly. What a good sport.
Xiah has gained a larger fan crowd with his new hair recently. More people notice him now. To me, it was definitely the charisma and personality which he oozes with in those numerous MVs I've watched that bought me over. Hence, blonde bangs, black locks, or brown spikes, he's stil the adorable yet charismatic Junsu to me. SARANGHAE YONGWONHI!
Maybe I should continue this gushing some other time. Don't wanna get carried away too much too soon.
p/s: Note to the other contributors. You can post your view of Xiah too. Just follow the title as in this post and add a (Part 2) to it.
I totally agree with you. He has such charisma that can't be resisted.
He has a cute smile. I love it when he smiles, show all his white and straight teeth. hihi.
Btw, did you, all by yourself, compose this website? I must give you kudo for making this great website. Everything is in sync, all organized and easy to find. Great job!
A Junsu FAN!!! I love Junsu Fans! HUGSSS... Haha.. Thanks SO much for your comment. I did compose most of this website on my own. My contributors help me now and then with pictures and news. Really glad you like it! It truly does make my effort worth it. ^_^
Junsu is the reason I became interested in DBSK years ago. I'm so in amour with his personality, his humor, his talents, his smile, *this is me staying away attempting not to mention pervy reasons for loving him*
I saw them on an episode of Music Tank where Junsu was singing Bi's Way To Avoid The Sun and I HAD to know who they were and now I can let go.
Throughout the years they have never ceased to impress me and Junsu just impresses me more and more with songs like Beautiful Thing. He Is Amazing!! The amount of emotion and power he put into that song... his voice...
I totally love him, so much so that I have a LJ fan comm for him
yes yes, i agree with you. he's my favourite in the band ^^ he's such a cutie pie!
Ah im a bit old on this blog but anyway no hurt commenting. From the start of liking dbsg Junsu was always one of my favorites even when other members we're my favorite. Now he's definitely my favorite of the group i like every aspect about him.. from this gestures when he talks his passion when dancing and singing. Everything His smile is soo pure and he's such a good natured person. I would love to meet him one day. He's just so approachable and can be excels at so many things it just makes me like him more each day. THanks for making this blog ^^
aww why is my Junsu comment not shown? :(
I'm sorry.. But I didnt get your Junsu comment. Thanks for your other comments though. Appreciate the longs essays you wrote.. ^_^
That's too bad. It would have been my very first comment here. And I really poured my heart out on that one. :( But it's okay, i'll just try to make another one for Junsu soon. :) I really like your post about our Dolphin btw. It was beautifully written. Awww and Xiah's really the cutest of 'em all! He's like a life-size polar bear I soo wanna hug! :)
Junsu is my favourite... he is such a cutie!funny dorky!!! and innocent!!!
I loved it so much !!!
Keep it up!!!
i loveeeeee junsu very much..sarangheyo junsu ah!!! i really want to know how junsu maintain his beutiful voice...it's sounds perfect anytime when he sings..i wish he can answer my question!!-yuna m'sia-
i love junsu very much.. he`s have a PRETTY VOICE!!! and i like him when he`s playing piano.. that`s awesome. his voice always good in everytimes i hear..
i love JUNSU forever..
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