Thursday, January 22, 2009

[SALES] Daily Oricon Ranking - Bolero / Kiss The Baby Sky / Wasurenaide

Post by rembflower @ dbsgLJ:

The Daily Oricon Ranking for Bolero/Kiss The Baby Sky/忘れないで on its first day is out!


Yay! Debuting with #1 with 35,847 units and a huge gap between 1st and 2nd place. Another weekly #1, anyone? :D

Also, for today Doushite shot up to #37 and Beautiful You at #39. ^^

Comparison with Tohoshinki's previous singles:
      Bolero  呪文  どうして Beautiful Purple
月     ---,---  ---,---  ---,---  ---,---  ---,---
火     *35,847 *30,596 *30,688 *21,137 *16,3

水     ---,---  **5,721 **4,859 **5,239 ***,***
木     ---,---  **2,155 **1,962 **1,915 ***,***
金     ---,---  **1,369 **1,421 **2,257 ***,***
土     ---,---  ***,*** ***,*** ***,*** ***,***
日     ---,---  ***,*** ***,*** ***,*** ***,***
指数合計  *35,847 *39,841 *38,910 *30,548 *16,318
オリ枚数   ***,*** *70,655 *68,417 *62,139 *40,033

Comparison with the other singles this week:
      東方(新)  水樹  Buono!  秋元  アクア バクチク
19(月)  ---,---  ---,---  ---,---  **1,390 ***,911 ***,757
20(火)  *35,847 **7,349 **5,275 ***,*** ***,*** ***,***
指数合計  *35,847 **7,349 **5,275 **1,390 ***,911 ***,757

Sales so far:
35847 x 1.75 = 62,732 copies

From Oricon and DNBN.

[VID]090122 DBSK - 6th Oricon Chart Topper! No# 1


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. what a great news.. #1 on weekly chart seem like definate..

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